Source code for penkit.textures

"""The ``textures`` module includes functions to generate textures.

import numpy as np

from penkit.textures.util import fit_texture

[docs]def make_lines_texture(num_lines=10, resolution=50): """Makes a texture consisting of a given number of horizontal lines. Args: num_lines (int): the number of lines to draw resolution (int): the number of midpoints on each line Returns: A texture. """ x, y = np.meshgrid( np.hstack([np.linspace(0, 1, resolution), np.nan]), np.linspace(0, 1, num_lines), ) y[np.isnan(x)] = np.nan return x.flatten(), y.flatten()
[docs]def make_grid_texture(num_h_lines=10, num_v_lines=10, resolution=50): """Makes a texture consisting of a grid of vertical and horizontal lines. Args: num_h_lines (int): the number of horizontal lines to draw num_v_lines (int): the number of vertical lines to draw resolution (int): the number of midpoints to draw on each line Returns: A texture. """ x_h, y_h = make_lines_texture(num_h_lines, resolution) y_v, x_v = make_lines_texture(num_v_lines, resolution) return np.concatenate([x_h, x_v]), np.concatenate([y_h, y_v])
[docs]def make_spiral_texture(spirals=6.0, ccw=False, offset=0.0, resolution=1000): """Makes a texture consisting of a spiral from the origin. Args: spirals (float): the number of rotations to make ccw (bool): make spirals counter-clockwise (default is clockwise) offset (float): if non-zero, spirals start offset by this amount resolution (int): number of midpoints along the spiral Returns: A texture. """ dist = np.sqrt(np.linspace(0., 1., resolution)) if ccw: direction = 1. else: direction = -1. angle = dist * spirals * np.pi * 2. * direction spiral_texture = ( (np.cos(angle) * dist / 2.) + 0.5, (np.sin(angle) * dist / 2.) + 0.5 ) return spiral_texture
[docs]def make_hex_texture(grid_size = 2, resolution=1): """Makes a texture consisting on a grid of hexagons. Args: grid_size (int): the number of hexagons along each dimension of the grid resolution (int): the number of midpoints along the line of each hexagon Returns: A texture. """ grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(grid_size), np.arange(grid_size) ) ROOT_3_OVER_2 = np.sqrt(3) / 2 ONE_HALF = 0.5 grid_x = (grid_x * np.sqrt(3) + (grid_y % 2) * ROOT_3_OVER_2).flatten() grid_y = grid_y.flatten() * 1.5 grid_points = grid_x.shape[0] x_offsets = np.interp(np.arange(4 * resolution), np.arange(4) * resolution, [ ROOT_3_OVER_2, 0., -ROOT_3_OVER_2, -ROOT_3_OVER_2, ]) y_offsets = np.interp(np.arange(4 * resolution), np.arange(4) * resolution, [ -ONE_HALF, -1., -ONE_HALF, ONE_HALF ]) tmx = 4 * resolution x_t = np.tile(grid_x, (tmx, 1)) + x_offsets.reshape((tmx, 1)) y_t = np.tile(grid_y, (tmx, 1)) + y_offsets.reshape((tmx, 1)) x_t = np.vstack([x_t, np.tile(np.nan, (1, grid_x.size))]) y_t = np.vstack([y_t, np.tile(np.nan, (1, grid_y.size))]) return fit_texture((x_t.flatten('F'), y_t.flatten('F')))