Source code for penkit.mpl_preview

"""Preview plots with matplotlib.

Alternative to the ``preview`` module for non-Jupyter environments.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def draw_layer(ax, layer): """Draws a layer on the given matplotlib axis. Args: ax (axis): the matplotlib axis to draw on layer (layer): the layers to plot """ ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ax.plot(*layer) ax.axis('off')
[docs]def draw_plot(ax, plot): """Draws a plot on the given matplotlib axis. Args: ax (axis): the matplotlib axis to draw on plot (list): the layers to plot """ for layer in plot: show_layer(ax, layer)
[docs]def show_layer(layer): """Shortcut for ``show_plot`` when only one layer is needed. Args: layer (layer): the layer to plot """ show_plot([layer])
[docs]def show_plot(plot): """Draws a preview of the given plot with matplotlib. Args: plot (list): the plot as a list of layers """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() draw_plot(ax, plot)