Source code for penkit.projection

"""The ``projection`` module provides functions for rotating 2D objects
(surfaces and textures) in 3D space and projecting them back to 2D.

import numpy as np


[docs]def map_texture_to_surface(texture, surface): """Returns values on a surface for points on a texture. Args: texture (texture): the texture to trace over the surface surface (surface): the surface to trace along Returns: an array of surface heights for each point in the texture. Line separators (i.e. values that are ``nan`` in the texture) will be ``nan`` in the output, so the output will have the same dimensions as the x/y axes in the input texture. """ texture_x, texture_y = texture surface_h, surface_w = surface.shape surface_x = np.clip( np.int32(surface_w * texture_x - 1e-9), 0, surface_w - 1) surface_y = np.clip( np.int32(surface_h * texture_y - 1e-9), 0, surface_h - 1) surface_z = surface[surface_y, surface_x] return surface_z
[docs]def project_texture(texture_xy, texture_z, angle=DEFAULT_ANGLE): """Creates a texture by adding z-values to an existing texture and projecting. When working with surfaces there are two ways to accomplish the same thing: 1. project the surface and map a texture to the projected surface 2. map a texture to the surface, and then project the result The first method, which does not use this function, is preferred because it is easier to do occlusion removal that way. This function is provided for cases where you do not wish to generate a surface (and don't care about occlusion removal.) Args: texture_xy (texture): the texture to project texture_z (np.array): the Z-values to use in the projection angle (float): the angle to project at, in degrees (0 = overhead, 90 = side view) Returns: layer: A layer. """ z_coef = np.sin(np.radians(angle)) y_coef = np.cos(np.radians(angle)) surface_x, surface_y = texture return (surface_x, -surface_y * y_coef + surface_z * z_coef)
[docs]def project_surface(surface, angle=DEFAULT_ANGLE): """Returns the height of the surface when projected at the given angle. Args: surface (surface): the surface to project angle (float): the angle at which to project the surface Returns: surface: A projected surface. """ z_coef = np.sin(np.radians(angle)) y_coef = np.cos(np.radians(angle)) surface_height, surface_width = surface.shape slope = np.tile(np.linspace(0., 1., surface_height), [surface_width, 1]).T return slope * y_coef + surface * z_coef
[docs]def project_texture_on_surface(texture, surface, angle=DEFAULT_ANGLE): """Maps a texture onto a surface, then projects to 2D and returns a layer. Args: texture (texture): the texture to project surface (surface): the surface to project onto angle (float): the projection angle in degrees (0 = top-down, 90 = side view) Returns: layer: A layer. """ projected_surface = project_surface(surface, angle) texture_x, _ = texture texture_y = map_texture_to_surface(texture, projected_surface) return texture_x, texture_y
def _make_occlusion_mask(projected_surface): """Generates a binary matrix representing the parts of a surface that are occluded. This assumes the surface is already projected with project_surface. Args: projected_surface (surface): the surface to use Returns: np.matrix: a binary matrix with the same dimensions as the input surface. """ projected_surface_max = np.maximum.accumulate(projected_surface) return projected_surface == projected_surface_max def _remove_hidden_parts(projected_surface): """Removes parts of a projected surface that are not visible. Args: projected_surface (surface): the surface to use Returns: surface: A projected surface. """ surface = np.copy(projected_surface) surface[~_make_occlusion_mask(projected_surface)] = np.nan return surface
[docs]def project_and_occlude_texture(texture, surface, angle=DEFAULT_ANGLE): """Projects a texture onto a surface with occluded areas removed. Args: texture (texture): the texture to map to the projected surface surface (surface): the surface to project angle (float): the angle to project at, in degrees (0 = overhead, 90 = side view) Returns: layer: A layer. """ projected_surface = project_surface(surface, angle) projected_surface = _remove_hidden_parts(projected_surface) texture_y = map_texture_to_surface(texture, projected_surface) texture_x, _ = texture return texture_x, texture_y