Source code for penkit.surfaces

"""The ``surfaces`` module provides functions for generating **surfaces**.
Surfaces are 2D matrices which act as an elevation map.

from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import numpy as np

DEFAULT_DIMS = (500, 500)

[docs]def make_noise_surface(dims=DEFAULT_DIMS, blur=10, seed=None): """Makes a surface by generating random noise and blurring it. Args: dims (pair): the dimensions of the surface to create blur (float): the amount of Gaussian blur to apply seed (int): a random seed to use (optional) Returns: surface: A surface. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) return gaussian_filter(np.random.normal(size=dims), blur)
[docs]def make_gradients(dims=DEFAULT_DIMS): """Makes a pair of gradients to generate textures from numpy primitives. Args: dims (pair): the dimensions of the surface to create Returns: pair: A pair of surfaces. """ return np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, dims[0]), np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, dims[1]) )
[docs]def make_sine_surface(dims=DEFAULT_DIMS, offset=0.5, scale=1.0): """Makes a surface from the 3D sine function. Args: dims (pair): the dimensions of the surface to create offset (float): an offset applied to the function scale (float): a scale applied to the sine frequency Returns: surface: A surface. """ gradients = (np.array(make_gradients(dims)) - offset) * scale * np.pi return np.sin(np.linalg.norm(gradients, axis=0))
[docs]def make_bubble_surface(dims=DEFAULT_DIMS, repeat=3): """Makes a surface from the product of sine functions on each axis. Args: dims (pair): the dimensions of the surface to create repeat (int): the frequency of the waves is set to ensure this many repetitions of the function Returns: surface: A surface. """ gradients = make_gradients(dims) return ( np.sin((gradients[0] - 0.5) * repeat * np.pi) * np.sin((gradients[1] - 0.5) * repeat * np.pi))